welcome to Mengo Primary School


HEADTEACHER - Mr Kirumira Festus


I warmly welcome you our readers to Mengo Primary School, the first Primary School in the Country and one of the first schools in the country.Iam honoured to be the Head Teacher of such a historic school that has continnuosly been serving our Country throughout the ages

Mengo Primary schhol is located along Willis road on Namirembe hill in kampala. This hill is also home to Uganda's first Anglican Church - Namirembe Cathedral and the first secondary school in the country Mengo Secondary School. The school is government aided which enables children from various economic backgrounds in and around the capital city Kampala to attain a decent education. These children are at the center of what we do and the school continues to seek ways of improving not onlytheir academics but their livelihoods as well.

This has been achieved through patnerships with various stakeholders including Crane Chidren Services, Cheshire Services Uganda, GIZ, Kampala Capital City Authority amoung others. These stakeholders have financed a number of projects including a odern computer labaratory for the pupils, clean water supply and channeling projects among others. Any efforts to facilitate the school are highly welcome

Parents are also highly involved through the School Management Committee and other scheduled meetings as the school seeks a holistic approachto child development.

We pride ourselves in a welcoming and nurturing school and look forward to working together to achieve the best outcomes for all children.